Main Duties and Functions of Public Relations

  1. Manage all official social media of the Cafegama MM Organization (website, IG, FB, twitter, etc.)
  2. As the official mouthpiece of the organization for Internal and external (all info, notifications, etc.)
  3. Create and manage a strategic and effective organizational communication media as a forum and means of communication between alumni as well as a means of improving alumni management knowledge, for example by managing alumni magazines, electronic bulletins where alumni can share business experiences, management knowledge or various other written works.

2022 Work Program

  • Revitalization (formation and utilization) of Kafegama MM’s social media, website, IG, FB, etc.

  • Webinars and training on the theme of Public Relations/PR, Photography, Public Speaking, Press Release, etc

  • Alumni Electronic Magazine

Up Coming Program

  • Revitalization (formation and utilization) of Kafegama MM’s social media, website, IG, FB, etc.

  • Webinars and theme training for Public Relations/PR, Photography, Public Speaking, Press Release.

  • Alumni Electronic Magazine


1Meisara Artarani8Irwan Bachtiar
2Ajeng sekar k9Lucky E. Santoso
3Fidela Hasworini10Meisara Artarani
4Fidya Savitri11Riani Hastuti Putri
5Filnanto Haryadi Djojoaclikus um o12Rizki Firman syah
6Hanie Dewita13Septini Kumalaputri
7Eko Prasetyo Widodo14Simon Yuarto